Fun Ways to Guess The Gender of Your Baby

Baby Gender


For hundreds of years expectant mums have turned to old wives tales to try and guess the gender of baby. Even if you are adamant you want the baby gender to be a surprise there is part of you which is intrigued as to whether you are carrying a baby boy or a girl.

Here’s some old wives tales indicating different ways to find the baby gender:

  • Baby Bump - if you are carrying high then it’s a girl, low if it’s a boy
  • The Mothers Face - if your face is round and rosy, it’s a girl
  • The Pendant Test - swing a gold pendant over your pregnant belly. If it swings back and forth a girl is expected, if it swings around then a boy is on his way.
  • Sweet or Savoury - if you have a sweet tooth then you are having a girl, salty and sour foods indicate a boy.
  • The Key Test – place a key down on a table, if the expectant mum picks up the key from the thin end, then it’s a girl.
  • Expectant Dad - if the baby’s father sympathises with you and puts on weight during your pregnancy it’s a boy.
  • Acne – if you have more acne then it’s a girl.

New Baby Boy


Gender Prediction for Baby Boy - 10 other ways to predict if you are having a boy:

  • You didn’t experience morning sickness in pregnancy
  • Your heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
  • Your hands are dry
  • Your bump is the shape of a basketball
  • You are carrying the extra weight out front
  • Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
  • Your feet are colder than they were before you became pregnant
  • The hair on your legs has grown faster in pregnancy
  • Your urine is a bright yellow colour
  • You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month the baby was conceived in and the total is an even number

New Baby Girl

Gender for Baby Girl - 10 other ways to predict if you are having a girl:

  • You experienced morning sickness
  • Your heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute
  • You are carrying extra weight at the rear and in your hips
  • Your belly looks like a watermelon
  • Your left breast is larger than your right breast
  • Your urine is a dull yellow colour
  • You crave orange juice
  • Your hair develops red highlights
  • You don’t look quite as good as you usually do during pregnancy
  • You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month the baby was conceived in and the total is an odd number
Friends and family will love to have a go at predicting the gender of baby but are you any the wiser after reading the above? If you know the gender of your baby check out our wording page to view baby poems and verses to use for your baby shower invitations.
If you want advice on choosing baby names click here