Customer Testimonials

Our customers are our best sales team, Here's what they have to say ...

My baby shower invites have arrived already and they are perfect ... special thanks for changing the date after my typo. Thanks very much will definitely recommend you to anyone looking for cards.


 Just a quick email to say I have received my order and the cards are absolutely perfect. I am very pleased with them and thank you so much again for all your help.


I was looking for a review section so that I could tell everyone about my experience with your company but will have to do it in a post. 5 stars for ease of ordering, quality of product, variety of selection, and speediness of delivery. Everyone truly loved the personalized christening and thank you cards that I created on your website. I am also planning on ordering cards for my sons 1st birthday party. It says 3-5 days for delivery of your product but I got both my orders within a day or 2 from the order date. It was super fast! I would highly recommend your company to all my friends and anyone else looking for personalized, reasonably priced, and exceptionally executed cards for any occasion.       Great job!

Nikki Lavelle

 I have been meaning to email you to say Thank you for the Christening invitations I ordered a couple of months ago. They have come out beautifully and the extra little touches that you amended on them was much appreciated. I was also extremely impressed at how quickly they were delivered, this kind of service is very rare - thank you for the ease. I will definitely recommend your company in future.


Just wanted to let you know how much we love the cards! And we also got the summer promotion saving. Brilliant! Thank you


 Thanks for re-posting my cards collected them from the local depot today, cards are perfect will recommend you to all my friends.


 I have received the cards, I love them, thanks so much. 


 Just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful cards and also to thank you for the promptness of the delivery. They were ordered Thursday night and arrived Saturday - amazing service. The quality is fantastic. We are so happy that we chose your website to create the cards to announce our baby's arrival. Thanks so much.


 Just wanted to say thankyou. I'm delighted with the purchase and process of ordering from you. Guessing it'll be a while before I need you again! But when the next one is born I know where to come.


 I ordered some invites from you for my son's first birthday on Oct 6th. I just wanted to say a big thank you! I have ordered personalised invites from several websites before but yours is by far the best. They came in the post today. Excellent service will definitely recommend!


 Many thanks for the cards, really impressed, great quality and service and price xo


 Thank you very much, the cards have arrived and they are lovely. I would recommend your company and hope to use you again.


I received the cards on Friday, they are just fabulous, the picture turned out perfect. Thanks so much.


 I received the delivery this morning! Many thanks for your prompt service. We are delighted with the cards.


Thank you for the prompt delivery and the great results!
